Thursday, September 6, 2012

I Am In Love With This Article

Click the photo above to read this awesome article by Sarah Hepola.

Some of my favorite quotes: 

"I realized there is only one bad decision, the decision I moved to New York to avoid: Doing nothing at all.  That is unforgivable." 

"You're done with New York?"... "It's too crowded.  It makes me irritable.  I've been here five years.  I'm exhausted."

"How is New York?" People would ask me.  "It's lonely," I often said, and it's true that being in a city this monumental, this antic and buzzing can kick up in me a melancholy deeper than I've ever felt.  But it can also kick up an exhilarating sense of possibility, a peace that comes from knowing your place in the world is small but entirely your own."

"Ordering a sandwich at the deli is, technically, the easiest way to order a sandwich, because they will make it exactly as you want it.  But I spent so much of my life suppressing exactly what I wanted in favor of what was available that I had no idea how I liked my sandwiches.  I preferred to take other people's suggestions, and then, when they weren't looking, pick off the parts I didn't like -- which is an apt metaphor for my life at that time.

"I will never be the most talented writer in town, the most successful, the richest, the prettiest -- nor will I be the least successful, the poorest, the ugliest."

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