Monday, July 23, 2012

Okay, okay, I'm back! (And I'm a total flip-flopper).

Okay, okay. I semi-predicted that this would happen, but: I'm back. As those of you who have been reading for a while know, about a month ago, I created a new blog.  My intention was to only come at you from that blog, but I've decided that was an idea that I didn't in the end love.  So, while I do still have another blog, Love What You Do, it couldn't take the place of Bricks to Sticks in the way I thought it would. So I am back here at my original home.

As it turns out, I can't be collected or summed up all in one place. Go figure.

In a digital age of so many identities all linked to one person, how could we possibly expect to easily categorize ourselves? I have Twitter, Facebook, Etsy, that blog, this blog, Tumblr... in some ways, I wanted to catch it all in one place. Bam! One click and you've got "Me". One destination to find me in word form.  I guess I realized something, though.  In our real lives, we have different versions of ourselves. Different times and places for different pursuits and conversations. Particularly when it comes to work versus life. Writing is my work. Living here is my life. When it comes to categorize what is what... well, it can get confusing.  Life is confusing.  Why would the digital world be anything different?

When I really look at it,  considering what I really want for each, Bricks to Sticks has always been a more an intimate pursuit than Love What You Do can/should be. From what I can tell, most of the readers of this blog are family or friends I've met along my journey(s). I love that. But I'm not going to expect all of those people to necessarily care (as much?) when I decide to write up a tutorial on how to turn a skirt into a shirt (one of many projects I have on my roster).

So, from where I'm standing, I see it like this: what I really want from the other blog is to contribute ideas and experiences to the world: recipes, projects, etc. I see that as a more public, for-the-whole-world type of "space". I may even market it and try to get involved in the blogosphere I partake in as a reader very often. DIY projects, budget weddings, etc.  And although Love What You Do would be a fine home for personal reflection, I think I do want to take it in that different direction.  I'll be working on that in the weeks to come.

As part of that work, I'm re-opening the Bricks to Sticks door and letting myself back on in!

I see this temporary identity hiccup as part of the overall Bricks to Sticks narrative, really.  The more I get into this journey (ten months, now) the more defined in my creative self I'm becoming.  The more I do, the more I realize how very much uncategorizable I'm becoming. Sure, I went to school for screenwriting. And sure, I still have scripts to write and movies to dream up (and someday make). But I also want to cook and create and I've gotten really into stationary, too. I may end up a girl with four different very defined pursuits, all coming to one email inbox. And that's okay. Actually it's more than okay -- it's great fun.

When I moved here, though, Bricks to Sticks was actually my only real outlet for writing - or creativity in general, really. I wasn't freelancing full time just yet. I wasn't putting my own stuff out there. And I wasn't trusting my instincts enough to give myself the time to arrive at something like an Etsy shop. So when, a few months ago, I started to realize that I was giving myself that time, and I am discovering, and I am putting my name out there... I thought, "Uh oh! Time for a new blog, then!"

It's not, though. It's just time for another blog.

So in any case, here I am. Back where I started, (but so far from the beginning).

Talk to you soon,

P.S. I had an article published on a website that I love! It's on Hello Giggles and can be found here:

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