Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bear(s) in the yard!

11:08: There is a bear in my yard right this moment! Garret is working today, and Murgy and I were enjoying a quiet rainy morning of coffee and card designing. About an hour ago, she started barking. Like, crazy barking. The kind of barking she does when she has reason, not when she's just having fun. At first I thought there was a mouse in the house, which would really annoy me, because Garret is not home and I do not want a tiny dead mouse in the house to deal with. Well, instead, I got a 400 pound black bear mama. (Is it sad that I am honestly less afraid of the bear, considering I am up on a second floor deck?) I could hear kids playing at the bottom of the hill, and the prospect of this bear taking off in their direction terrified me, so I called the police. They sent a sheriff. Right before he arrived, I noticed something slinking up the tree, which I thought might be a cat, but we know now is actually a bear cub. The police tried to scare the bear with the blowhorn, but once he saw that it was definitely a cub, he said mama isn't going to go anywhere without baby (makes sense). So the huge black bear is sitting at the bottom of this tree, where she's been for almost an hour now! I believe the police are making the rounds on the street letting people know. 11:13: UPDATE! Mama is climbing the tree! OMG. She climbed up and is now resting up by baby. 11:26: Mama is back on the ground. As far as I can tell, baby is still up in the branches. Cars are driving by slowly to get a peek. Murgs is in the living room freaking out. I'm staying on the deck as long as I can! 11:35: Baby bear on the way down. 11:37: SURPRISE! Two baby bears end up leaving. Pictures and videos to come!

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