Thursday, February 21, 2013

Today is a sort-of typical day:

-  We woke up and watched 'The Walking Dead', which was on on Sunday, but since we can't get cable here, we have to wait a few days to download things to watch them.  (Boy, that show is getting irrevocably dark.)

-  Garret turned leftover corned beef and potatoes into a delicious corned beef hash, which we ate with eggs.

-  We worked, but I got bored because Garret was away for the past few days, which means I've been solitarily working for a while...

-  We decided we should get sushi for lunch.  This entails driving 45 minutes.  By the way, that is not weird or odd or anything out of the ordinary, here.  I've bought more gas in Vermont than I probably bought altogether in my ten or so driving years in NY.  Everything's a hill and a journey.  But it's not annoying, because life moves at its own (45 minutes away) pace, here.

-  Then we'll go to the grocery store to procure some delicious things so that we may cook dinner at home.

-  Then we'll work some more.

-  Then we'll address (more) wedding save the dates.  I've had them designed for months and I'm still late sending them out!  Oh well, what can you do?

-  Then we'll go to bed and do something similar again tomorrow.

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