Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Again with the bears.

Maybe I should just start calling this "the bear blog".

Or something cuter, like, "Bear(ly) Important News" Hah. Hah. Hah.

Okay, I don't know that there was truly a bear in my life today, but I tend to jump to conclusions, so bear with me (hah hah hah, again - I crack myself up!).

It's not a very interesting story, but: Murgy and I went out for an afternoon walk today, which because I was in the middle of coffee with my best friend Tracy (who was visiting from Albany) and because I was [looks down, ashamed] only wearing socks (remember summer, when you didn't have to put boots on just to go outside?) I wanted to make it quick, and I encouraged Murgy to pee just off the front porch.  She wasn't too keen with the idea, so we spent a few moments standing there.

Naturally, I started to look around.  I noticed several large tracks leading to and from my porch and then into the woods.  These were BIG tracks, some of which looked like paw prints, others of which looked like something running away.  The running away ones looked *kind of* like an elfen child who had run into the woods, but if I have an elfen child and a bear (or wolf or dog or..whatever) on my hands, that's just too much to handle, so I'm not even entertaining that idea.

Were this a researched or informative blog, I'd now share information with you about hibernation and the likelihood that a black bear would leave his (or her) cave to show up at my doorstep on any given Tuesday in February, but let's be honest, this isn't a well researched or informative blog.  This is "Bear(ly) Important News".

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