Friday, October 5, 2012

Glowing Evening

You know that old saying, "Red at night, sailor's delight. Red in the morning, sailors take warning!"?  For some reason that phrase has always been a part of my life.  I really take notice to pink skies and they've always been an indicator of something to me.  Good weather, bad weather... never in between.

As I mentioned earlier in the week, it's been raining here for a week.  Literally!  It's nice today (awesomely nice, actually), which I think was kicked off by an oddly delicious pink sky last night.  I had been in the back of the house working in my home office, which is surrounded by trees and doesn't get much light in the summer, spring, and fall.  Back there, I figured it was still just another rainy day.  But when I emerged around 6pm, the front of our house was literally illuminated with some majestical autumn glow.

The sky was pink (local sailors delighted), and somehow the pinkness from the sky was bouncing off of the changing leaves in a way that just made them the most brilliant things I've ever seen.  Garret went and got the camera, and I honestly had no idea a camera could ever do this justice, but it pretty much did.

These photos aren't doctored at all; it was really this colorful.  What they don't capture is how unmistakably quiet and cozy and warm the air was.  It was kind of like fall was hugging us.

Our front yard illuminated.

This one is my favorite. Our driveway, which in this iteration looks to me
like a Robert Frost-esque path worth traveling.

Fall foliage in Vermont.

The fog you see above those power lines was emanating from a distant mountain.
When the sky is just right, you can see a mountainous skyline between
these two trees in our yard.

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