Monday, April 30, 2012

"We survived winter!"

If you've been reading about this 'adventure' for a while, you might remember that back in September, Garret and I ate at the wonderful local grill/ice cream stand, 'Wahoo's'. A few weeks after I wrote about it, we went to go back for some ice cream one day and sadly found it to be closed for the season. Ever since, every time we drive by we look longingly at the little building, wishing we could stop for some delicious food and ice cream.

Well, yesterday, we were going to some of the nearby antique stores to search for a few odds and ends we needed for various projects/pursuits. We decided we'd get lunch while we were out, and on a whim I called Wahoo's. Someone answered! [Brace yourself, this is an exciting dialogue coming up]:
Wahoo's Girl:  Hello, Wahoo's!
Me:   Hi! Are you open for the season?
Wahoo's Girl:  Yup!
Me:  Okay, great!
I know, I know - that dialogue was so exciting that you probably fell of your chair, totally blindsided by the drama at play.  You can see why I'm a writer now, can't you?

As Garret pointed out, I missed out on a real opportunity not saying, "Wahoo!!!!!" when she said they were open for the season.  Ah, a regret. I try to live life without any regrets, but, that one is pretty major.  Oh well, maybe next year!

So, obviously, we went there, and despite the fact it was bit too cold and windy to sit outside and eat, we did it anyway.  There's something about a mere hint of summer (read: sun) that makes me incapable of not pretending it's ninety degrees out.  I pretend full on, too.  I'm like, sitting there shivering, going "It's s-s-s-so n-n-nice and w-w-warm out..."

Anyway while sitting waiting for our food, Garret said, "Hey! Looks like we survived winter!" And then I snapped this photo:

At Wahoo's Eatery in Wilmington, VT. April 2012.
He even looks cold.  But look at that beautiful blue sky!  The sweeping landscapes!  The gorgeous possibility of spring and summer!  

What sadly didn't make it into that picture was the hitchhiker looking for a ride just to the right of the frame of the photo.  Before I moved here I thought hitchhikers were mythological and existed only in the 1970's.  Modern day hitchhikers seemed like they were a mere concept that was on narrative reserve to be written into scripts/short stories as necessary.  But.. nope!  Apparently, they are real. I see them all the time here.  Seems like a really stressful way to get from point A to point B, to me. I don't know.

Anyway I'm prepping for summer and very excited about it.  It's true, we did make it through winter.  Prior to winter Garret said that if one of us was going to go crazy it'd probably be me. Honestly I figured he was most likely right and that I'd be stir-crazy being cooped up inside. But I really didn't feel that way at all, surprisingly.  Instead, we both enjoyed the time afforded to people who are forced to be indoors a lot, and in doing so we dreamed up a whole lot of new creative pursuits for ourselves.  But more on that some other day ;) 

Last night I got to work rearranging the deck so that it is kind of an outdoor mirror to our living room and dining room.  We now have the table to one side and two awesome benches that were downstairs at the house we're renting as a little seating area on the other side.  Now I just need some fresh plants, citronella candles, and lots of company! 

The deck in Vermont. 

I made the boring white table festive by using a tapestry as a table cloth.

The "living room" outdoors!


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