Thursday, January 19, 2012

sh*t new yorkers say

Okay, so, I have to admit I was a little underwhelmed by Shit Girls Say, which had the interwebs and my Facebook newsfeed all a stir in December.  It may have had to do with the fact that a guy was playing the girl saying the shit.  I mean, I feel like it's trying to pass itself off as self-deprecating humor... which it can't possibly be when it's a dude saying all of it.  That's just... poking fun.

Well anyway,  I digress.

[SCORE! I've been trying to use "I digress" properly for like, months!]

Since Shit Girls Say came out, there have been a myriad of copycats - or, rather, "Inspired By" works of art.  I'll admit to clicking right past most of them, but then today "Shit New Yorker Say" caught my eye, and I clicked, I was pleasantly surprised and very amused.

This guy couldn't be more "Brooklyn" and I guess I do appreciate the legitimate self-deprecating humor in this one.  I absolutely love when he's in the back of the cab and says "You have to take me to Brooklyn, it's the law!" Oh, the feeling of being wronged when a man won't drive you 45 minutes to a desolate neighborhood in Brooklyn when he could just drive someone to the East Village instead.  Life is hard!

This really did "bring me back" to all of the embarrassingly "New Yorky" things I'm sure I said non-stop when I was there.  Actually, some of them, I probably still say.

Now, where's "Things Vermonters Say?"  I refuse to make it, but I'll watch and probably giggle a little if someone else does.


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