Monday, January 2, 2012

get into something

Last week, between Christmas and New Years (or "the new year" - how does one properly punctuate this holiday and still sound colloquial?) we were in Buffalo visiting with Garret's family.  While there, Garret and I frequented Spot Coffee regularly -- his favorite place from his days living in Buffalo, and my favorite place because it's awesome.

In the ladies room (or is it Ladies Room? I used to avoid capitalization altogether but I'm trying to "grow up" and use "proper grammar" more - ugh, growing up sucks!) which was marked by a Barbie Doll nailed to its door, I found this sentiment on the wall:

It was the only message on the wall (apparently this space is not one that attracts frequent graffiti) so it surely caught my eye for that reason.  But, I also liked the message, so I snapped a photo.

No, I don't usually take photos in public restrooms.  Only when appropriate.  Which I suppose should logically be "never", because it's a public restroom, but I have my own feelings about appropriateness.

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