So anyway, about four days ago I decided that a good way to document my life right now, in addition to posts like I've been doing, would be to post one photo each day. I initially thought this fell under the "twenty-something" category but in looking at the first four photos, I realized - this is just as much about seeing my new life in Vermont and what's coming of it as it is about anything else. So, I'm going to post them here. In fact, I'm just going to start posting everything here. I think eventually when the bricks have worn off of me, this blog's going to be fit for a new title. But for now, I'm still amazed at pretty much everything I'm experiencing here in the sticks, so "Bricks to Sticks" it is.
Below are the first four photos I posted to my (photo a day) project. From now forward, a new one will be posted here every day.
(photo a day): november 4, 2011 "my desk" |
(photo a day) november 5, 2011 "grandma at monkey & the crowbar at the lager house in latham, ny" |
(photo a day) november 6, 2011 "garret talks to grandpa bob" |
(photo a day) november 7, 2011 "afternoon paint" |
You could do a weekly photo series about Garret talking to Grandpa Bob :)