Sunday, July 17, 2011

for realz

well, it's really happening! this week garret and i are to sign a lease for a wonderful little house in the woods. we'll be there at least a year.

after three years of living in brooklyn, i can't even imagine what the shift is going to be like, though i am envisioning it all the time. i feel like i did when i was waiting for my freshman year of college to start. i find my mind wandering to how i'll decorate the new place, what mornings will be like, what walking around will be like...

meanwhile, we'll be living city life behind entirely. so, also currently on my mind are the things that are part of my daily life now that are going to quickly be eliminated are:

- ordering takeout
- walking to restaurants
- stopping at the market on the walk home to pick up some stuff for dinner
- bakeries
- starbucks

...apparently all i think about is food.

here we are last month when we visited the house!

us on the balcony of the house!

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